TableClassCreate in web development
TableClassCreate programme allows the automatic creation of a PHP class that provides all necessary functionality for standard database operations. Since any typical PHP web application needs to execute those operations over and over again, such class included into the project, will simplify the development process and improve programme structure according to OOP standards and concepts.
It won’t be a great mistake to suggest that in the course of development, PHP programmers write such database-handling classes again and again. It is also quite likely, that they write and re-write pretty much the same code.
We offer simple and elegant solution. Stop wasting your precious time rewriting standard code. You could find better use for it, inventing fresh solutions for the problems, which have not been solved before. TableClassCreate will generate a ready-for-use PHP file according to data you provide via a simple interface. Just click ‘Generate Class’ button, and everything is done. You also can design your database table structure, and the Create Table SQL statement for that table will keep changing automatically while you edit fields info or table name. Later, you just copy that query and paste it into your database engine interface that processes SQL queries, to create your table, if you wish.
Class generated by TableClassCreate implements Data Access Object pattern (see Core J2EE Patterns)