Web CMS experience and implementations. Sharing cases.
Magic Web Solutions has an extensive CMS experience. Client web site requirements define what solution we will use.
We have two CMS systems developed in house: a light PHP based systems for simple web sites and a more complex Java-based solution for more sophisticated requirements such as multi-language support, more fragmented access level permissions and defined web page publishing workflows.
We also have experience in using various open source solutions such as Joomla, Drupal, Typo Light, Frog CMS, Liferay,Typo 3, Magento. A variety of web sites below demonstrate our diverse experience in CMS installation, customisation and maintenance.
Corporate websites
Maic Web Solutions – a web development company
Jennor – an office refurbishment company
Large websites and portals
Handicap International – international charity organization (in collaboration with 1choice internet)
Farnham Rugby – Rugby Club (in collaboration with 1choice internet)
ArtistPortfolio.net – art portal
Saratov-Russia.net – informational portal about Saratov region (Russia)
ArriMedia (in collaboration with 1choice internet)
If you need your custom solution, feel free to contact us