Priority TweetBox for Twitter by AnujaK 01-Mar-2011 [13-22] Once you login to Twitter how much time do you spend in reading or scrolling through the tweets which appeared after your last visit to Twitter? Definitely considerable amount of time! Why not have tweets or retweets from person whose tweets you usually read or click the link he shares? Tweets from such of your 'Following' will go to Priority Tweet Box. You'll have the option to remove its mark as priority; from next time his tweets will not go to priority box. For very initial analysis the app will consider links in tweets which you click to decide priority. You can manually also mark a 'Following' as priority. All his tweets will land in Priority TweetBox!! Extended fun and ease with Twitter!!!
Chat Analyzer by Developer 01-Mar-2011 [12-42] This app will analyze your conversation with various people you chat with. The next time when you chat with a person the app will tell you what kind of conversations you usually have with that person. It will also suggest you topics of common interest for chat. This will make the conversation more effective and impressive!
Garden Plant Identifier by timfisher 01-Mar-2011 [10-31] This app would allow you to identify a plant by directing you to a database which would by combination of q and a and picture matching give you the plant name of something you might see while visiting a garden for example. It could then advise on growing conditions to allow you to establish suitability and finally direct you to the nearest nursery or garden centre selling the plant.
Collect All Button by Sparkle 01-Mar-2011 [04-48] An integrated button with the Zynga programs to collect all prizes, objects, etc. available.
Notification App for Emails by AnujaK 28-Feb-2011 [07-13] An app that will be integrated with your email system- email read alert! How often do you encounter the situation- you keep waiting eagerly for a reply and wonder whether the recipient of your email has even read it or not? I'm sure very often. This app will send a notification to sender once recipient(s) opens the email. If you feel your email will take at least 5 minutes to read properly you can set additional option of notifying you the time interval for which the email is kept open. So no need to keep on refreshing your mailbox for a reply! You'll know once your email has been opened. Alarm for those who tend to delete emails before even opening them!!
Tag-cloud for Your Emails by Developer 28-Feb-2011 [06-46] Add tags to your email just like a blog and send it. The recipient will receive the email along with those tags. As against the current way of manually setting labels for email this email management system will do it for you. And yes you've the option of modifying or deleting any of the tags. You can view emails as per the tags. Your email cloud will be tagged. Such an awesome user experience and time saving system!
Oia -> Organize in Apps by aneo9988 25-Feb-2011 [01-53] An app that organizes data based on categories. The app sorts out and groups: bookmarks, documents, pictures, music, and more. Thousands of categories can be programed in, such as, Political, Entertainment, Business, etc. You feed it a folder, and choose five or so categories, and it divides the information in separate folders. No more will you be spending hours toiling away on your computer organizing files!
Social networking - life after death. by OldFossil 24-Feb-2011 [09-36] Do social networking websites handle death of people who have profiles? How do you know if the person you just followed on twitter is still alive? Here is the idea of a web app: it will handle your after-death life on social networks. After you are pronounced dead, your next kin or person you trust can login in the app and launch a program on your behalf... It might delete your profiles, or it might mark them somehow. Or it might post a few farewell status updates like “I am sorry I am gone, but I will leave in your harts - I hope you miss me guys!”.
Move Anywhere, Work from Any PC by Developer 23-Feb-2011 [10-58] The worst times I feel in developing an app are the ones when I'm being relocated or my PC has been changed. It starts from installing java, IDE (Eclipse), configuring the path, checkouts and so on. It will be a real pain-killer if a full-fledged online development environment is available. Online editor just like a desktop one(fast plus all features), your own copy of code available to you at any time from any! Check-in will mean code moving from your private copy to the shared branch. Whoa, no worries and time spending on configuration! Move anywhere, continue coding from anywhere!!
For online gamers by Matt 14-Feb-2011 [09-16] An app that when started within specified online games will examine the users playing style vs. that of other players to determine the most effective ways to change strategy and actions to carry out that strategy. The idea is to have an application help you learn how to play better, faster.
Firefox Ad-On for Integration of Social Media Browser tabs by JForbis 11-Feb-2011 [16-47] So I noticed on the train the other day that a guy leaving Google had his lap-top up watching a video. Well, I couldn't help but watch the video and noticed that in Firefox, his tabs looked like this: Gmail, Facebook, YouTube, Blogger, and Twitter. Hey...that's what my tabs often look like. Later that day, I saw another person on the train with similar tabs going in Firefox. Well, it's easy enough to bookmark my tabs in the browser and set up FF to remember all my login creds for each site. However, the tabs begin to overwhelm my "top of browser" real-estate and I have to click on each of them (right click mind you) to load as a new tab. I then have to submit my log-in credentials. Here's my idea. Take all the common email/social media sites: Gmail, FB, Twitter, Digg, Delicious, YouTube, Blogger, WordPress, etc and integrate them under one umbrella or tab. The end-user can then set up the log-in credentials one time (for each social site they set up in this app). They can then have one (1) tab in their browser entitled "social favs" or whatever they name it. When they fire up their browser, they can then click the tab, it will ask for one time login/auth via a button...and then launch all the tabs across firefox...logged in and ready to go. Simple, efficient, and manageable.
Drop to kindle by Tim 11-Feb-2011 [07-28] Web-based software that can convert the most commonly used ebook formats to the .prc file that is accessible, for download, through the kindle web browser. The application should provide up to 25gb of cloud-based storage with the ability to upgrade at a reasonable fee. The key files to convert are chm, html and pdf, as these are the most difficult to convert to the prc format without compromising the books integrity This application would provide a service that had no competition and a definite market.
Zynga Games Update app. by Cynthia J Shern 10-Feb-2011 [02-59] An Application that will monitor all the Zynga games you play and when they need attention. Your Farmville Crops are ready. Your Cafe World Dishes are ready to serve. Collect your rent in Cityville. ETC...
I'm Everywhere All At Once! Where Are Am I?? by Matt 09-Feb-2011 [15-47] An app that will search the users PC for cookies etc. and then searches the internet to find as many of the websites as possible to which the user has "been opted-in" or actually joined and used a given email address or username.
Snooze Tracker by elephant 01-Feb-2011 [14-32] Track how many times you press your snooze button in the mornings. Trend averages and graph them out. Allow you to tweet your number. Work towards a goal of less snooze presses.
'NappKIN' - Mobile/Tablet based childrens virtual character by Heybridge1 26-Jan-2011 [21-32] Accessible for free via smartphones / tablets, a virtual character that can be created from scratch using pre-supplied templates. Feed, love and play with your NappKIN and receive controlled messages from it advising on what is needed to make it happy. Utilising Kindle type technology, allow users (children - 7-12 years approx) to create stories and publish them about their NappKIN - pure fantasy, fun and excitement stories and the advertures their NappKIN get up to. Stories are checked prior to publication and subscribers can vote for their favourites to encourage children to learn to write stories. Commercial opportunities offer publication rights to create children's stories available online and licencing of toys and associated products. It's all about the enjoyment of reading, writing and fun - incorporating potentially English lessons in schools and so on.
Get on Your Way with the Freeway Finder! by Erin M. 25-Jan-2011 [06-11] Never be late again to that important destination! The Freeway Finder application would be a great way to plan ahead before any trip in any unknown area. It would specifically highlight down to the lane you need to be in for easy freeway access. Also while pinpointing noticeable landmarks you should be passing nearby. You will need to choose the freeway name/number and direction(N,S,E,W) of the final destination for this application to work efficiently. The Freeway Finder also works much differently than a navigation system for it will be much more precise as a guide for travelers through the interactive map! Included extras are instant updates of Freeway closures, traffic news and number of lanes to help you always find your way on and off those busy freeways with ease. The Freeway Finder should be available all throughout the United States. This new web app can shave minutes to hours off your trip so if your heading to an appointment, visiting a friend, a shopping mall or just driving on an unfamiliar road you can feel 100% certain you know where you are going from the start to make a timely destination at it's end!
News at your fingertips by Dave 25-Jan-2011 [03-04] As an avid RSS reader (nearly 200 feeds) I am always trying to find a new way to organize and de-clutter my reading bin. I would love to see a chrome or firefox add-on to Google reader that uses one of the Semantic web APIs (like OpenAmplify or similar) to help me separate the wheat from the chaff. Similar to the way Pandora figures out what kind of music I like by my thumb up-ing songs, I would love to have only the relevant articles pop up. I could also see this being a standalone web app like "Reeder."
Advertisement in Facebook Chat by Deepak 24-Jan-2011 [12-51] There should be paid to chat on facebook. Where Advertisers can pay to show their Ads in our Facebook chat Boxs.
CloudSecure by Lalit Kale-ATechieThought 23-Jan-2011 [18-22] Basically, right now we use authentication mechanizms like user name and password or solutions like openId. But insted of that ,What my idea is to build a service solution which will provide fingureprints as authentication mechanism for multiple websites and it will also integrate with solutions like OpenId.
Hacker Smacker - Avalanche / Hacker Smacker - Peek in a Poke by IBScipio 22-Jan-2011 [09-37] An application that listens to all open ports and to AV applications (ESET, Symantec, etc.) for attempts to access, hi-hack, clone or otherwise illicitly tinker with a computer they do not have authorization for. The last possible nano-second before slamming the port closed on the intruder, one of two data packets are sent back to the offending PC. Intended to (at the very least) send 250K-500K email messages to his IP addresses and to repeat this process whenever the Hacker's IP address appears to be working . The "other" data packet is sent just in case the bad guys are using a mask for the tear-gas
Time-lapse that answers the BIG question by IBScipio 22-Jan-2011 [05-12] An application that would allow a webcam to work as a time-lapse camera with varying rates of frame recording. There would also be a small data base containing the true dimensions and a graphic representations of a couple of hundred common objects frequently used to show scale within a time-lapse film. The software would seek to match any of these object shapes within each frame of the recorded interval (Examples: coins, a 12 oz soda can, a #10 nut & bolt, a 32 gallon trash can) with a common object located and it's dimensions known, the software could then calculate the change of the subject of the time-lapse from one frame to the next in order to provide actual sizes,
Guardian Angel_ by IBScipio 18-Jan-2011 [23-20] An application that lives in cyberspace and (using data the user provides) figures out where in cyberspace the user most frequently directly or indirectly uses the internet where it acts as a Guardian Angel. If two digits are transposed when inputting data to the company time clock, it will fix the digits between last input and pressing the 'Enter' key. Everywhere you go you would be presented with the occasional option of bypassing or opting out of having one's electronic data passively recorded for any purpose the user finds offensive. With options allowing the application to be hyper-vigilant when one's iPhone is traveling through high density areas where information theft using passive data collection technologies is known to occur.
Alternative application for iPad_ by IBScipio 18-Jan-2011 [14-57] An application that allows the use of an iPad as a hot-plate.
Print a list of all follower/following by IBScipio 18-Jan-2011 [10-14] A simple app that will allow different ways of formatting (.txt , .xls, .rtf or .doc?) and printing of a text based lists of followers/following. An option to include or exclude avatars or descriptions. The follower or following list would have a couple of sections; "Mutual relationship", "They follow, you aren't", and "You follow, they aren't". The ability to also list recent unfollowers and unfollowed (back a selectable number of days) would also be helpful. many other apps fall short of a followers list that is formatted or unformatted text based lists to allow cross-referencing externally.
Collaborative Twitting app_ by MarcIan 13-Dec-2010 [12-54] Many companies have Twitter account, but posting quality twitts takes an effort. The app will allow several employees of a company to post twitts. There will be one editor/admin, who would be able to vet all twitts and schedule them if necessary. The app must be really simple and focused on purpose described. (to stand out form twittdeck, hootsute etc)